Monday, January 12, 2015

Need a release? Dance!!

One thing the human race has down to a science is dancing.  To them it is an art form, a way to stay in shape, and to have fun.  So just like us, in other words. 

Sometimes you feel like you are closed in especially when the weather goes on the frizz and you can't do anything about it.  Or you are a little homesick and miss expressing yourself in that special way you can back in the Nether Realm.  Well the cure for that...Oh yes, dancing.

It is something you can do anywhere but I should warn you that if you do it in a public place, put a hat down so people don't call the men in white to put you away.  So if they will think you are a street performer you might make a little cash... if your good that is. 

If you are looking for something specific such as contemporary or ballroom dancing, I recommend going to a place called:

Dance Energy
1305 33 Street Northeast, Calgary, AB T2A 5P1
(403) 253-6977
You will surely find what you are looking for there.
But if you are just looking to have fun and maybe even meet some people.  Try a Zumba Class. 
I found that to be a favorite amongst the Mystics.  The music reminded them of home, for some it
was like being back in their tribe, and it brought back some positive emotions.  You can find Zumba
classes just about anywhere it all depends on your budgets. 
Is that all?  No.  More will come on this topic I promise you that.  But in the mean time my magical friends

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